Friday, 2 September 2011

Supreme Court Disallows Speak Asia PLEA 2 September 2011

Supreme Court Refuses to Give Relief to SpeakAsia Headlines Today News 2 September 2011

On 2nd September 2011 Speak Asia News is Supreme Court Refuses to Give Relief to Speak Asia Supreme Court Disallows Speak Asia PLEA in which company says that Speak Asia is Genuine. Supreme court says that company has defrauded peoples company has already taken into custody Mr. Tarak bajpai COO of Speak Asia Management

According to Old News : On 30th of August case number CRLP 5626 of 2011 which was Filled By Speak Asia Online on CID andhrapardesh as CID has Taken Franchise in Custody and Approx Rs.100 Caroor was taken in to the Custody . At that Time Speak Asia Do the Case in that Tarak Bajapi Has Anti Spreatry Bail Also... But a Judgment comes by which it was cleared that Speak Asia Peoples can be arrested for Information By Andhra Pardesh CID but They was already in Custody of EOW Mumbai ..
Read Full News : CID Andhra Pradesh Wins the Case Against Speak Asia - 30 August 2011

A Speak Asia PIL was Filled by Speak Asia Panelist Association . But Today on 2nd September Friday this News Comes that " Supreme Court Refuse to to Give any Relief to Speak Asia on their Petition saying that its company who has defrauded thousands of People and Criminal Proceedings Should Continue."

Response of Speak Asia Association  ...

Supreme Court Dismiss the Plea Not Whole Public Interest Litigation

The news from Supreme Court was once again reported in a negative manner by the media across the board.
Our Counsels preferred to withdraw the petition; the court was pleased to pass the following order “Petition Withdrawn by the Petitioner”.

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At 2 September 2011 at 02:58 , Blogger Baby Products said...

स्पीक एशिया: एक नापाक गठजोड जो स्पीक एशिया को तबाही के मंजर पर पँहुचाना चाहता हैमिलिन्द जनवदेकाँच के घरो मे रहने वालो को दूसरो के घरो पर पत्थर फैंकने के पहले यह जरूर सोचना चाहिए कि वे खुद काँच के घरो मे रह रहे है। जी हाँ…यह बात उन लोगो के लिये कही जा रही है जो स्पीक एशिया पर एक तरफा हमला कर रहे है। एक नापाक गठजोड बन चुका है, जो स्पीक एशिया और उसके लोगो को तबाही के मंजर पर पँहुचाना चाहता है। इस गठजोड मे प्रतिस्पर्घी व्यवसायी, तथाकथित भ्रष्ट नेता, मानवाधिकार के नाम पर तथाकथित दुकानदार, तथाकथित भ्रष्ट मीडिया, तथाकथित पुलिस, तथाकथित एन.जी.ओ. इत्यादि शामिल है।
1.आइये जरा मीडिया के बारे मे असलियत जाने। आजादी के पूर्व देशभक्ति की मशाल जलाने वाले मीडिया की आजादी के बाद ब्लेकमेलिंग पत्रकारिता उसकी रीढ की हड्डी बनी हुई है। अपने व्यावसायिक हितो के लिए किसी भी हद तक जाना उसके लिए एक आसान सा कार्य है। एक फलता फूलता व्यवसाय है मीडिया। प्रिंट मीडिया और इलेक्ट्रानिक मीडिया मे सिर्फ इतना अंतर है कि कागज की आग, फैलने मे थोडा समय लेती है,लेकिन पेट्रोल की आग का कोई मुकाबला नही।
2.कुछ तथाकथित नेता अपनी जन हितैषी संस्था के नाम पर लोगो को बचाने के बजाए उनको मौत के रास्ते पर ले जाने का ग्यारंटेड काम कर रहे है। ये लोग सुपारी लेकर चलती हुई कम्पनियो को बन्द करवाने के लिए प्रसिध्द है।
3.स्पीक एशिया जो चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर कह रही कि हमने पहले भी ठिक समय पर लोगो को पैसा बाँटा,हम लाभदायक व्यवसाय कर रहे है,हमारे पास आज भी रूपये है और हम इसे पेनालिस्टो मे बाँटना चाहते है,हम भारत मे अपना आफिस खोलकर व्यवसाय करना चाहते है,हम प्रोडक्ट मे आ चुके है,अन्य कई योजनाओ को पूरा करना चाहते है,लेकिन इन तथाकथित लोगो का केवल एक ही नारा है-स्पीक एशिया भाग गई,स्पीक एशिया बन्द हो गई,स्पीक एशिया का फर्जीवाडा…आदि..आदि।
4.यदि कोई पेनालिस्ट सच्चाई को जानने के बावजूद F.I.R.जैसे कदम उठाता है तो यह उसकी नासमझी ही होगी। क्योकि यह समस्या के जल्दी हल के बजाय अत्यधिक विलम्ब का कारण बनेगा।
5.ऎसे संकटपू्र्ण समय मे हम सभी को सच्चाई से लगातार अवगत होने,दुश्मन को पहचानने की ,एकजुट होकर संघर्ष करने की जरूरत है। न कि हम आपस मे एक दूसरे पर दोषारोपण करे।
6.याद रखे स्पीक एशिया ने बहुत कम समय मे कई इतिहास बनाए है। यदि हम इस संकट से सफलतापू्र्वक निकल जाते है तो निश्चित ही आगे महा इतिहास रचेंगे।

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At 2 September 2011 at 03:07 , Blogger leather manufacturers said...

The petition, filed by Vijay Gehi, urged the court to transfer the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), saying despite submitting all details about the accused to the police a year ago, nothing was done. "We gave them (the police) names, addresses and telephone numbers of the accused. They did nothing," said Gehi's advocate, adding that the Symbiosis website is yet to be blocked. "Subsequently, the accused withdrew money from their bank accounts," said the lawyer, who also pointed out that not a single arrest was made in the case even though a lower court had rejected the anticipatory bail plea of the accused. "How ineffective you (EOW) are! These offences are worse than murders," said Justice Desai.Gehi's advocate said his client had lodged a complaint with the Shivaji Park police but nothing is being done. A doctor, who had invested Rs 1.25 lakh in one of the schemes, lodged a complaint on February 19, 2010, with the Versova police, the lawyer told the judges. A year later, the case was transferred to the EOW. Terming the delay by the Versova police in transferring the case to the EOW and their failure to freeze the accounts of the accused "distressing", the judges said, "Had the money been seized immediately, perhaps such a situations would not have risen."

"It is high time the police department, in coordination with the state government, took preventive steps so that common people do not fall prey to such scams," said Justice Desai. The judges directed the ACP and DCP (EOW) to take "prompt steps" and file a reply.

The judges, while hearing the SpeakAsia case, expressed anguish over how "persons who are cheated are sent from one police station to another". "Don't harass a person who's been cheated. Why don't you take down his/her complaint," asked Justice Desai.

Taking note of the fact that the lower court while rejecting bail plea of the accused last month had directed that its order be placed before the additional commissioner of police and the deputy commissioner of police (EOW) so that they could guide the investigating officers, the judges said, "This is yet another matter where the police have shown total inaction and inertia," they added.

Public prosecutor Pandurang Pol replied that cases about Rs 50 lakh go to EOW. But judges said in such matters speed is the essence. "There should be quick relief," said Justice Desai.

At 2 September 2011 at 04:42 , Blogger Money Tips said...

जोर लगा के हईईईईया....जोर लगा के हईईईईया और लगाओ... जितना लगा सकते हो लगा लो... mediya Balo jitna jhuth bol sakte ho bolo speak asia ko nahi dara sakte tum.

At 3 September 2011 at 02:51 , Blogger adityakrishna said...

very carefull watch speakasia matter

At 4 September 2011 at 10:14 , Blogger rakku kanpur said...

thanks, bhaiyo ham jite hai speakasia nahi
anna ka aansan kaam kar gaya


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