Thursday, 2 June 2011

Speak Asia Online Event In Delhi Talkatora Stadium On 9 June 2011

According to the latest news which are heard from the Speak Asia Old Members which is POSITIVE for Speak Asians.

Talkatora Stadium Delhi
The Talkatora Event is now ready to launch on June 9th. in two sessions:
Morning 11am - 1pm;
Evening 4pm - 6pm;
Tickets are available in limited numbers @ 200/- INR with Sr. Upline leaders; call them.
Here all the latest information will be available and rewards clarified.

As you know, the Subscription Code purchase cost will remain the same untill 15 June 2011 and any generated pin up to that date will be honored up to 30 June 2011, after which the new cost will come into effect.

The Talkatora Indoor Stadium is located at Willingdon Crescent Road in New Delhi, the stadium is placed very near to the city center.The Talkatora Stadium is credited for having all the required facilities.The stadium has a capacity of 3035 people.

Today on 9th June  Thursday is a Big Day For Speak Asian A New Come's
 Speak Asia is not registered in India. 
We cannot do any investigation against it.
( Govt of India ) 

Gate Pass For Speak Asia For Talkatora Stadium

Gate Pass for Speak Asia Talkatora Stadium 9 June 2011

Speak Asia Future Plans - News 9th June 2011

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Speak Asia Back on Track 2011

New SpeakAsia Panellist Vision

Business rivals are like our enemy at times and they seldom sleep when they fell threatened: they do whatever is possible to sabotage and interfere with SPKA (SpeakAsia) communication and purpose. This is an axiom. It is therefore important to know how to recognize the voice of the so called Enemy and to know the difference between them and the company we are part of.

When the Enemy speaks to us (as was recently with the Star Network telecasts and their ilk), it's usually the exact opposite of the truth we have been told by SPKA leadership and what we know: it always brings on confusing and negative feelings in some way: doubt, discouragement, fear, anger, insecurity, or some other misguided emotion or lie that's designed to drag us down and make us damage our own business through ignorance.

Recognizing the disinformation of the Enemy from the first instance is an extremely valuable corporate battlefield tactic to cultivate and hone. If we can recognize the false information and immediately go on the attack against such with facts of the company’s plan, we have a much better chance of making it through the media or legal attack unscathed, without suffering any serious setbacks and business loss.

I realize that recognizing the lies and disinformation of the Enemy sounds like a subject that has been taken from a comic book or T.V. Soap series, but I believe you'll find this concept valuable and effective in view of the recent events, which have somewhat obstructed and shaken the SPKA community.

It's up to SPKA Panellists to obey company policy, make the efforts to answer surveys, take training and whatever else necessary, and stick with the given company plan until and unless we see something incompatible with what we have agreed to.

As we all know, that's easier said than done when we're under severe media and disinformation attack. That's why it helps to continually remind ourselves about the truth we know of regarding SPKA, and the reality of the business principles that are in play.

Many panellists are only making it harder on themselves than it actually needs to be. Rest assured SPKA is always there for the Panellists, every minute of our business existence. The company cares and knows better than anyone else what the business needs; yet recently we saw when circumstances had nearly derailed even the strongest of panellists or staff that doubts and fear in the form of the ‘headless chicken panic’ almost set in. This is of course, partly due to the Enemy's attacks, which are indeed very fierce, but it is also partly due to laziness, ignorance and obsession for false news by the weaker SpeakAsians themselves.

When someone is fully convinced and walking in confidence, it's much easier to roll with the punches of the Enemy and get up more quickly, letting those lies pass over you with little or no effect whatsoever. But when someone gives ear to the Enemy's lies and entertains the negativity then it becomes much harder for that person to rise above the event fallout: a thing which is exactly what the opposition is aiming at.

Whenever a panellists gives place to the voice of the Enemy, whether by listening to false reasoning and arguments or to entertaining doubts and lies, then according to mass-hysteria psychology such disinformation programs gain more power.

Star Network, for an example, has very little power on their own in SPKA realms, but by listening and giving credence to lopsided and false points of view, panellists can actually empower them. It's as if the act of someone essentially listening to our opposition’s false claims and outrageous lies, in fact “charges” their so called battery so they can broadcast louder and more clearly.

It is so important to immediately look to the original reasons for even joining SPKA and the company facts presented then at the time of joining, whenever you hear any voice of temptation to doubt the company’s commitments and policy. Even if the lies of our rivals seem plausible, understandable, and credible, even if they have a lot of ‘right‘ to them, it's crucial that you immediately reject this false voice, because in listening you give the opposition power, and the
more you listen, the more power they get.

We can learn to recognize the Enemy's voice and point of view, whether the attacks are direct or more subtle. Some of the tell-tale signs of disinformation are:

1. They make us feel hopeless, negative, fearful, or that things are “not really as stated by our leadership”;

2. They are contrary to the actual company plan, even in small, subtle ways;

3. They make us forget about SPKA’s many blessings and benefits, on time pay-outs, potential new plans, and we feel we're not being treated right, or that maybe we will be cheated and the company will run away;

4. They cause us not to be able to do our work or have good quality business relations;

5. We feel almost driven to tell other panellists about our doubts and perceived wrong, in an effort to seek solace and to find others who will agree with us, which bolsters feelings of having been right all along, which in turn    cements our obviously wrong position;

6. We feel our emotions towards SPKA turn negative and maybe to anger, depression, sadness, anxiety for our money etc.;

7. We don't want to hear from leaders or even management. We put it off, or feel it's not going to do any good just now. We feel resentful or rebellious to what we know or suspect the company will tell us;

8. As we entertain the Enemy's voice, we lose the SPKA vision. Nothing seems exciting anymore; nothing seems worthwhile. Everything is blab, ordinary, or worse yet, a disappointment: even things unrelated to the main point of our battle;

These are a few of the main symptoms of the opposition having our ear, instead of SpeakAsia having our ear. When someone is in this state, it takes a definite, conscious decision to let go of it: to resist the lies, to openly rebuke any person speaking lies about the company.

It's not enough to expect you’ll gradually and nonchalantly pull out of the rut.
When you've “charged the Enemy's batteries” by allowing disinformation to connect to you and tap into your power source and down-lines through listening to his lies and planting doubts, then you have to work hard to break the connection: to cut it, pull it away and completely disconnect. A little tug now and then won't do the trick. And the longer you allow lies to pull from your power by listening, the more you are drained and the more the lie is empowered.

This is the danger of listening to the voice of the Enemy. This is the danger of not taking note of these lies and immediately rejecting them. The opposition’s information is the exact opposite of Speak Asia’s information, and you cannot be believing and unbelieving both at the same time: it's one or the other. Speak Asia gives consumers new and improved financial life, strength, and family victory, whereas the opposition's lies bring consumers unhappiness, defeat, dissatisfaction, and destruction of your family life and financial fruitfulness.

Take heed to this warning, Speak Asians, and let this lesson sink deeply into your mind, heart and spirit, so the next time you hear the Enemy's evil stories of any kind, you immediately raise a standard against such by keeping faith in the promised plans of our company and the tireless efforts of Haren Kaur our chair-woman at the helm and the company leadership.

Pull the plug immediately, before the opposition has time to be strengthened in their attacks, because they will latch on to us relentlessly. They will suck the very lifeblood from us if we let them. But if we look to the true facts and fight back by continuing business as usual, when we take the offensive and claim the power of the SPKA plan, the old school exploiters of consumers have very little power over us, and we have nothing to fear: we as SpeakAsians are the future; our enemies are the failed past!

Be proud to carry the identity of SpeakAsia and do so in action, not just empty words. Trust the plan, be enthusiastic about the plan, and love the plan: it will never fail you because it is honest and simple, as designed by the Haren Team and our leadership. Now, let’s get going and answer surveys, generate new panellists and train for the future business as per company design to empower consumers!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Company Doing to Case Many Websites

According to the company some persons are misusing its brand name . Some of the Websites are , , , , , , , ,

But According to Cyberlaw if 1 Company name such as Speakasia have a website and giving selling and conducting surveys and if some more domain emerges and they also doing surveys then online a Case can be Filed.

More Over on internet we have a right that to say some product is Bad or Good . Or We can say it's Review as This Blog We are only Reviewing the Services Given by Speak Asia Online We are any how connected to Mislead the Clients of Speak Asia or promoting their Products.


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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

News on 1st June 2011

Company has Announced  reward Points for their Panelist.
Its Part of  Speak Asia Rewards

Kindly note that the price revision which was to take effect from 1st June 2011 for Subscription to get Surveys Online
Today E-Zine and Panelist Training has been deferred till 15th June’2011.
The subscriptions codes generated till 15th June can be used till 30th June.

Announce the distribution of all the rewards achieved by Speak Asians under various reward programmes. The process for same shall be as per the schedule given below:

  • Provogue Gift Voucher : Provouge Gift Vouchers for the reward program Direct'ly on the TOP ( worth Rs. 10,000 ) are being sent to the HVP Distributors who will help in distributing these Gift vouchers Area Wise. The list of achievers will be displayed on the site along with detail of the distributor from whom they are supposed to collect the vouchers. All achievers are expected to contact and collect their gift Vouchers from the respective Distributor in their area. These vouchers then can be redeemed at the nearest Provouge store.
  • TVC Gift Article: Majority of panellists have already received their gifts . Many panellists have not confirmed the new gift which has to be replaced due to non availability of the originally ordered gift. The delivery of the same shall begin from 3rd of June 2011. The gifts are being door delivered at the addresses given by you in your SAOL profile. In case of any non receipt kindly feel free to call up the TVC help line no. given on their website :
  • Lenovo Laptop: The vouchers will be sent to all winner who will collect the Laptops from delivery points of Lenovo from 20th June onwards. The details of the delivery points will be communicated shortly.
  • Singapore Trip: The Trip has been planned in the First week of July. All the qualified panelists shall shortly receive a mail on their email id's as given on the SAOL profile. This mail shall have details of the documents to be submitted and the address. There after all interested panelist shall have to be prepared to send the passport to the travel agent by 15th June. This will help to obtain the VISA by 30th June 2011. Likely date of travel is 7th July 2011.
  • Mobile Phone: Google Android based touch screen smart phones shall start reaching the panellists from 3rd week of June. Kindly be informed that there are more than 50,000 phone to be distributed hence it is a time and effort consuming process. 4500 phones shall be door delivered on a weekly basis to assure completion . The panellists shall receive it in the order of qualification from the start date of reward programme.
  • TV Sets: As committed, the order for the TV sets have been placed. There is good news and we are sure the panellists are sure to appreciate that instead of 32" LCD TV the paneliests will receive 32" LED TV and the Distribution of TV sets will begin in the first week of July.
  • Cars: The car achievers are requested to forward the details of the nearest car distributors of the category achieved via their area managers.
Please note that the 'Send Me Cash' requests made during the period 13th May 2011 – till date have been reverted and added back to the Ewallet or Survey Ewallet of the ID .
Team SpeakAsia

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Company Plans Declared on 31-May-2011

AGENDA and Memorandum of understanding (MOU) of SAOL (speak asia online ) and Government of INDIA and Singapore under the chairmanship of Mrs HIREN spkasiaonline announced channel names ..

1. SAOL entertainment
2. SAOL bussinessreview
3. SAOL panelists
4. SAOL DT-Petrol

These channels will be available by 20th june 2011

SAOL will released panelists reward Points (RP) by 3rd june 2011
In reward points company will

Andriod mobile and LCD will be dispatched on same date i.e 16th june2011..
for confirmation pls visit your e-mail on 2nd june2011

From every panelists company will deducting 40$ and will be paid back in rewards point in ur E-wallets

SAOL will operating their offices in 4 zones SAOL will recruiting 40 thousand employees

Star news,aajtak,HT will compensate 360 crores for defamation against SAOL.

SAOL will file FIR against KRITI somouya on 7th june2011

Mrs Hiren Kaur and associate will conducted ground survey on 14th june2011 also
she will roll call each n every panelists during her visits..

CBI charter accounted will accompanied along with Manoj kumar CEO ,Tarak Bajpai COO and area managers and regional managers on 18th june2011..

Details of non disclosure reports will be submitted through ministry of cooperate and information and board casting..

SAOL requested all the reporters of Starnews ,aajtak,HT to take precautions from SAOL panelists.. SAOL panelists are requested to maintain piece and non-violence.


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Monday, 30 May 2011

Company legal advisor Ashok Saraogi Quits - 31 May 11

Ashok Saraogi
Speak Asia Company Legal Adviser Mr. Ashok Sarogi who have made the conference on 20th may 2011 that speak asia is earning money from selling magazine.

Today , on 31th  May 2011 He Quits Speak Asia and From His Post of Leagl Adviser of the Speak Asia Online .

What is the Problem with Him , When he can fight for the जेल में बंद अंडरवर्ल्ड डॉन अबू सलेम then why No Speak Asia ?


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