Saturday, 19 November 2011

Speak Asia News 19 November - Officially By AISPA

Speak Asia News 19 November 2011
On 19th November 2011, we ( ) seeing some  positive energy regarding the 21 November Court News’s . Their is a  lots of energy in speak asia communities on facebook and on the other websites on internet and seriousally we speak asia news  also enjoying to be part of this movement after a long time of 6 Months of speak asians company struggle we are seeing light of winning in eyes of speak asians .
This is the First time we have not any much information on speak asia topics as we don't know much happening their are also some confussions regarding the 21st November 2011 supreme court meeting . But Aispa have anounced the updated and we have published as it is on our blog this time.

Article From AISPA Below :
Ashok Bahirwani’s Updates: 19th November, 2011

Good Morning Speakasians,

Uff!! What a frantic three days it has been. Even without any activity happening, it has sort of been very tiring,
anxiety filled days.

I always keep on telling everybody that people should always keep their minds open and learn from everyday
experiences and I for sure have learnt a lot in these three days, I will share my learning’s below.

First and foremost let me attempt to explain the Hon. Supreme Court’s Order dated 14th November, 2011.

Allow me to quote the opening lines of the Hon. Supreme Court’s order as follows

“We have heard the learned counsel for the parties. In our considered view, it is a fit
case where a serious attempt should be made for an amicable settlement of the dispute between
the parties through the intervention of a learned mediator”.

I draw the collective attention of all the panelists to the above and I infer as follows:

1. The Hon. Supreme Court feels that the SAOL matter is a dispute between the various parties.

2. The parties in the WRIT are:

a) The Panelists

b) Speakasian Online Pte. Ltd

c) Haren Venture publications

d) RBI

e) EOW

f) IT Dept.

3. Please note the Hon. Supreme Court has appointed a mediator and the Hon. Court feels that there is a
need to seriously attempt for an amicable settlement. Important to note here is that the Hon Supreme Court
has not considered this matter to be investigated in any way and simply feels that the dispute needs to be
settled. In my opinion this changes the entire texture of the SAOL matter.

4. The Hon. Supreme Court was pleased to appoint a Hon. Mr. Justice R. C. Lahoti as the mediator in this case and was pleased to direct the parties to appear before the Hon. Mediator on 21st November, 2011.

Please understand friends that this date was fixed by the Supreme Court and is subject to confirmation
of the Hon. Mr. Justice Lahoti ji. As per the latest information the confirmation has not been received
and in all probabilities the first sitting will not be on the 21st November, 2011. I will inform all the panelists
of the date as soon as it is fixed.

The Mumbai High Court PIL of AISPA was heard on 16th November, 2011. The company SAOL informed the Hon. High Court of the Supreme Court order. The learned Bench then asked the counsel for AISPA, why don’t you go before the Hon. Mediator now that the Supreme Court has appointed the mediator in your matter and as such the counsel agreed to withdraw the matter herein below is the order passed by the Mumbai High Court

“Allowed to withdraw at the request of the learned counsel for the petitioners, in view of the order dated 14.11.2011 passed by the Supreme Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No.383 of 2011”.

It is in our collective advantage that the entire matter be heard by a single authority under one jurisdiction and this appointment of the mediator under orders of the Hon. Supreme Court is that single platform which will give us a quick relief.

The Criminal PIL is still pending in the Hon. Mumbai High court and is now listed for hearing on the
23rd November, 2011. The Hon. Mumbai High Court was of the opinion that In view of the Supreme Court
order nothing survives in the matter and this criminal PIL should also be withdrawn. The advocate
wanted to seek instructions from the petitioner and the matter is now adjourned for one week.

I mentioned in my Video update, that I am amazed by the insight of some very cunning people
and admire their vision to sense opportunity to make big money at whatever cost.

The matter has only turned corners with the Supreme Court order and these opportunists have sensed that now the Speakasia juggernaut is all set to take off or rather all set to take a rocket like vertical takeoff and you suddenly see these cunning people come out of hibernation and want to take centre stage.

I have received many phone calls and emails requesting me to let them join the committee. Some people wanted me to look at the possibility of being made an office bearer, I am sure these people want to become the president of AISPA. Gentleman we are very happy with our present President Mr. Melwyn Crasto, who bravely stood up against all odds in support and favour of the panelists when the going was tough. I remember when we were putting together the committee Melvyn and myself must have called up at least 50 leaders in Mumbai and all over the country who refused to expose themselves to the gaze of the authorities and wanted to remain safely in the background.

Since the beginning I have been advised by our counsel Mr. Ahmad Abdi sahib not to give updates or discuss the matter on the phone with panelists, he always used to tell me that people may not understand the actual essence of what you say and may spread misinformation which will cause confusion. His words have come true and I point out to my communication with one Mr. Prerak Singh. What I told him and what he understood and what he has written on the open forum is absolutely misrepresented, I do not wish to give any explanation but simply say that starting with immediate effect, I will not discuss the matter with anybody over the phone. I request the Panelists in general please do not waste your valuable time and money in calling me as I am not going to be discussing the SAOL matter on phone.

Once again I reiterate that this appointment of Hon. Mr. Justice R.C. Lahoti ji is a huge step in our favour this will see that all matters related to Speakasia will be heard and mediated on one single platform and suitably settled and reported to the Hon. Supreme Court for further disposal.

Last but not the least I wish to draw the attention of all the panelists that there is no need to appoint any advocate by anybody in this matter let me explain why:

The payments, whenever they start, either arising out of the EXIT OPTION or normal CASH REQUEST
will be affected directly in the panelist’s bank account by electronic transfer like it was being done earlier.
The Mediation by Hon. Mr. Justice Lahoti ji is for the entire Speakasia matter and not only for a
handful of Panelists. The supreme Court will pass a suitable order as they deem fit after due consideration for the entire 20 lakh panelists and not for a select group of panelists and as such there is no requirement what so ever to engage any advocate or make any individual application to the mediator Hon. Mr. Justice Lahoti ji or to the Supreme Court.

I once again urge the Panelists in general do not get confused by the process. In the final analysis the company will surely come out victorious and soon the entire business activity will normalize and these past six months will be history and we will overcome this and forget it is as a bad nightmare.

“Justice is the constant and perpetual will to allot to every man his due”.
--Domitus Ulpian

Have Faith, Have Patience, Trust Your Company.

Jai Speakasia,

Proud to be Speakasian

Ashok Bahirwani
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Friday, 18 November 2011

Speak Asia News 19 November 2011

On 19th November 2011, we ( ) seeing some  positive energy regarding the 21 November Court News’s . Their is a  lots of energy in speak asia communities on facebook and on the other websites on internet and seriousally we speak asia news  also enjoying to be part of this movement after a long time of 6 Months of speak asians company struggle we are seeing light of winning in eyes of speak asians .
Hope in court every thing will remain good. Their is not official news are broadcasted yet.The possibilities must be kept in mind

1.) Speak Asians all are very eagerly waiting the meeting to be held on 21 November between Speak Asia Company and  only hope that is none other than Honorable Retired Chief Justice Mr R C Loahti Sir and other parties which are SAOL management, RBI AND EOW mostly

2.)Speak Asians all have some assumptions in mind that are : if all govt agencies comes there in meeting to participate then surly within this month we will get all kinds of happiness and joy to be cheerful.

3.) Chance of this happening is most eagerly awaited as this may give us a clear cut direction

4.)While on the other hand, if again govt agencies don’t come forward then what will happen?

I hope all speak asian are if worried then I hope only due to this reason.

This is why? I want to give you the idea of fact full opinion given by one of the most experience
lawyer who deals with this type of case in Supreme Court . According to him, if 2nd chance comes then again this will go to Supreme Court to have final judgment regarding the resolution of the case.

In this situation Supreme Court may pass final verdict in favor of speak asian panelists and direction to all govt
agencies to lift all hurdles in our ways.

The role of mediator is to provide a common plateform to each party where all can keep their views to resolve the issue but if because of any party it becomes difficult then a final order will be issued by SC to solve
the case finally on the basis of committee’s Recommendations.

So in both the situation we all are in win -win condition.

Lets join the hands together for the early resolution of all hurdle in our ways.
God is great and our hopes are also great.
Be positive, have vision and mission to be successful.

We hope for the best .

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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Speak Asia News 18 November 2011

Today We ( ) got a message from a friend on internet and we want to share information with readers.

Dear Speakasians
There is no court hearing on 21st so don’t expect big on 21st . it is a settlement case.It’s the meeting of mediator Justice R.C. Lahoti , company , all govt agency and petitioners involved with the case.
Every govt body will put up their views , and how payout can be given will be discussed.
It might take 4-5 meeting among them.

On the conclusion drawn Justice R.C. Lahoti will put up the report in Supreme court.
this might take around 2 weeks of time.
If the govt body fails to appear in the meeting their opinion might not be considered further, and if they put up any negative report against the company then they will have to prove it.
On the final report given by Justice R.C. Lahoti supreme court will give the final decision. This might take 1 week.

Company might demand for exit payout and registration in India.
The court can order for both together or exit payout first then company can work on registration.
Only after registration normal survey , login and payout for people who do not exit will start . this might take 1-2 week of time.

For opting for exit u have to fill in the form at and submit it.
Website can come live if Justice R.C. Lahoti demands in the meeting or after the hearing on his report in Supreme court.
Once website is working u can fill up your bank details.
Confirmation mail will be sent which when accepted only then exit will be confirmed and payout will be released.

The payout of exit will deposited in your bank account directly, but not as before but by TT ( telegraphic transfer ) the total process might take 5-6 weeks

Any person can opt for exit whether he has earned any amount or not , by filling in the form at company website.He will get the payout as per company exit rules. This will apply for all whether he is first joiner or last.

Simple steps for exit as per company
1 . fill in the exit form
2 . confirm the confirmation mail
3 . and money will be transferred to the bank account no in the exit id
4 . u do not need to pay anything and do anything more then this or go anywhere
as there might not be different rules for different people

When company is giving money by simple method why to opt for complicated one.
All thing have been done in small time . 
This thing comes in our knowladge and we thinks that this can happens in near future.  Its only time to keep patience . If all the speak asians can wait a long time of 6 months in just some more time .

My dear readers according to us this is good news because all speak asians are fighting for some good things to be happened when its start happening its our responsiblity to just be patience.

 In Start making of this blog our purpose is " when all my blog will completed i will gift it to speak asia company because we made articles on per day basses .

Many Peoples ask why you name " " basically when we heard 1st news about speak asia it is negative but till that time we have published 2 -3 Articles . Our views are changed when we meet a senior person of speak asia company He asked " Why you name it speak asia fraud rename it to speak asia fraud or genuine ?. we do it in our title .
Today we know as " Speak Asia Fraud & Genuine Blog "  .
When ever any news which is negative about speak asia .. Peoples says " your blog name is speak asia fraud you are some anti speak asian you are miss guiding the people. " but the only thing is 1 question when ever any positive news comes about speak asia and we publish " Why No body says you are anti speak asian " .

Message 2 Received :
Drawing inferences has become the duty of every Speak Asians. Dear friends, why all these shouting, anger and raze for 21 November 2011. We will see what happens on 21 November and after that we all will act according to that very decision. Any thing is possible, but one thing is clear that panelists’ money is not going anywhere. Panelists’ money is safe and all will get their money, at least their capital money will be paid. If you all have any confusion, Be sure, you all will receive at least your capital money. When and How, it will be decided by Mr. Lahoti. Have patience.
 We want to say " God Please get Some some positive News for all the Speak Asia but Please no Rumors " .

We purchase sweets from our own pocket and picture of that we will put on this blog .. For All our Readers .

We wants to Congrats Mr. Amitabh Bachan
Big B, Amitabh Bachchan, tweeted a confirmation around 10 am, a little after his grand-daughter's birth : 'I am Dada to the cutest baby girl !' The new father, Abhishek, tweeted even though he isn't a regular : 'Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. Both Aishwarya and the baby are doing great and taking some much needed rest .
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Reply By Aneesh Sharma 17 November 2011 Regarding Speak Asia Case

Reply By Aneesh Sharma 17 November 2011 Regarding Speak Asia Case
Mail Get From Aneesh Sharma Source :
According to this E-Mail :  First it Means in the Video the Senior Lawyer name is " Mr. Jitender Mohan Sharma " who is Ex-Vice President of  AOR (ADVOCATES-ON-RECORD) Assocation and Mr. Aneesh Sharma is Lawyer in this Law Firm named as  "J. M. Sharma & Co., Advocates & Solicitors "
Point 1 : This is an information to the general public/panelists who want to know or redress their grievances, they have to file application either directly in Supreme Court or through an Advocate.

Point 2 : It is further to state that we have not opened any shop (Dukaan) as said in a video by some Senior Panelist, we are just fighting for the aggrieved persons who have not got justice.
( We Says : Sir , he is mr Ashok Bahirwani , Secretary of AISPA .This association was made beacuse tarak bajapi was arrested and diffrent peoples are doing their efforts from diffrent ends in their way but nothing actually was working  so some of AISPA also filed a PIL from their end.)

Point 3 : They are the one who came directly to us to contest their case, and that is what we are doing as its our profession.

Point 4 : We are not doing any sort of negative publicity of any of the persons, so the same we expect from others.

All the Readers of my blog today on 17th November 2011 we want to share a personal thought with all of you. We are really getting tired from 6 Months their is not too much good news many times news prooves to be Rumors .

We want to say " God Please get Some some positive News for all the Speak Asia but Please no Rumors " .

We purchase sweets from our own pocket and picture of that we will put on this blog .. For All our Readers .

We wants to Congrats Mr. Amitabh Bachan
Big B, Amitabh Bachchan, tweeted a confirmation around 10 am, a little after his grand-daughter's birth : 'I am Dada to the cutest baby girl !' The new father, Abhishek, tweeted even though he isn't a regular : 'Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. Both Aishwarya and the baby are doing great and taking some much needed rest .

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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Aispa Withdrawn Case 16 November 2011

Aispa Withdrawn Case 16 November 2011
AISPA known as All India Speak Asia Pannelist Assocation have withdrawn the PILL/51/2011 Filing Date:-  filed on 22 August 2011 . Why the AISPA have withdrawn the case is question now which will be answered by speak asia marketing team and aispa on 17 November 2011.

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Questions Raised By AISPA on Aneesh Sharma & Others - 15 November

Article Copied From English :
Article Copied From hindi :

Ashok Bahirwani’s Updates: 15th November, 2011
Good Morning Speakasians,

Yesterday after the Supreme Court hearing I had given two video updates (Hindi and English) through our dedicated Speakasian Mr. Aman Azad which is uploaded on this website in the latest video section at the bottom.

Yesterday was a major mile stone day for us Speakasians, Yesterday saw the ball starting to roll in our favour and this is the beginning of return to normalization of Speakasia business activity and payments.

The Hon. Supreme Court was pleased to announce the formation of a single man committee of the retired 35th Chief Justice Honorable Shri R. C. Lahoti. The first sitting of this committee will be held on 21st November, 2011 when the details of the committee, its modalities and scope, and such administrative details will be worked out including details of Press announcement etc.

This formation of the Committee is a huge positive in favour of all Speakasians.

The non appearance of all the agencies is another positive in favour of the company. It is my personal opinion that the authorities viz the Union Of India thru the Finance Ministry, RBI, EOW, and the IT dept (CTBT) have not filed any reply or submitted any documents in the matter not because they do not want to but I am sure that they are unable to do so as they have no case against SAOL. They have no charge which they can press and sustain in trial.

This may of course delay the matter for a short time, but in the final analysis like Shri Tarak Bajpaiji Says “We are bound to win and we will definitely win”.

We have all heard of the old saying “gaon basa nahi aur lootere pehele hi aa gaye”. I was surprised at the cunningness of a group of people who mysteriously surfaced claiming to be representing a section of Speakasians. What was funny about the lot was how they were inconsistent in their story; allow me to explain the video. By the way pertinent to note here is that as per our advocate the video of these advocates as posted in the is in gross violation of the advocates act as it seems that advocates are not supposed to solicit business as these advocates have done in the video.

We have been advised to bring this gross violation to the attention of appropriate forum.

The supposedly senior partner (Jitendra Mohan Sharma) in this group starts by saying that they are here to protect the rights of “first time investors”, and then he erroneously claims that the Writ Petition No 383/2011 in which this group has intervened on behalf of some Speakasians is a Public Interest Litigation (PIL). This, gentleman, is wrong as this is not a PIL but is a Writ Petition.

Then the other advocate (Aneesh Sharma), goes on to say that they are here to protect the last joinees of Speakasia panelists who have joined between February 2011 and May 2011.

He then introduces his business plan and informs us that the panelists who wish to approach this misinformed group to represent us before the Supreme Court or the Committee, and this group will most happily represent us for a small fee which some one now tells me is ranging between 25% to 40% of the claim amount. No way a small fee.

This second advocate says that the over 130 crores seized under the orders of CID Hyderabad is public money. How may I ask this gentleman does he classify this money which belongs to the franchisee and some panelists as public money? Without any logic, without application of mind, this gentleman differentiates this group of last joinees as general public, trying to divide the speakasian family in general public and not so general public.

He goes on to say that the last joinees who have not received any refunds [sic] from the company have first right on the public money which is seized. Sir, there are no refunds here, the money that the panelists receive from the company as part of the earnings are because of partaking in the marketing activities of the company and in no way constitute to be refund.

He does not understand that if his group of last joinees, wish to be paid off first then he ought to advice his client’s the last joinees to opt for the EXIT OPTION. If his clients do not wish to take the EXIT OPTION then they will be paid as per the existing norms of the company.

The third gent (Ajit Sharma) in this troika matter of factly assumed that the constitution of the committee will be multi representative and will consist of many more representatives etc. etc. Why and how he reaches this conclusion nobody knows, surely the Supreme Court has not ordered it that way. I am sure Justice Hon. Lahoti has not shared his thoughts with him; this is nothing else but a classical case of jumping the gun and shooting from the hip.

The Supreme Court order is abundantly clear that The Hon. Justice Shri R. C. Lahoti is requested to explore the possibility of an amicable settlement between the parties and submit a report to this Court after the mediation proceedings are concluded. There is no scope for any additional representatives on this committee, this is an appointment of a mediator and this mediator will not look into the merits of the case. The mediator will only look at the probabilities for seeking an amicable settlement between the parties i.e. the panelists, SAOL and the Govt. agencies. This matter will be for all the Speakasians and not only for the 115 odd panelists who have originally filed the WRIT.

There is no requirement for all panelists to get impleaded in the matter individually; it is not the case that the mediator (Hon. Justice Mr. R.C. Lahoti ji) or the Supreme Court will be handling the refunds on an individual basis. In the final analysis all the payouts will be affected as earlier, directly into the accounts of all panelists.

This, motley group, of confused, ill informed overzealous advocates have in their enthusiasm forgotten that they are dealing with a family of proud empowered consumers and not some gullible lot of nitwits. The payouts will happen directly from SAOL to our accounts electronically like they were being done before, then why do we need to approach the committee or the Supreme Court independently for settlement of any claim.

We are all aware that a group going by the name United Speakasia surfaced sometime back asking Speakasians to give their details. But their United Speakasia blog or their communication never clarified who was the person, behind this movement. They claim in one of the Blog posts that their master mind whom they call “Our Sir”, "United Speak Asia Group Mind" knows things that 80% of us poor dumb witted Speakasians do not know. What, may I ask this holier than thou ‘Sir’ the ‘group mind’, know that we do not know. Please you owe it to us, and I call upon you to please explain and inform us about what you know that we do not know.

The surfacing of this new advocate (Aneesh Sharma) with a brand new facebook profile and a brand new blog spot seems a well strategized move. Someone has got themselves in for the big kill, someone who has entered the fray to make big money. Nobody minds an ambitious person, what worries us is the design of someone to make money at the expense of others, and by creating confusion amongst Speakasians.

The advocate while creating his facebook profile posted a photograph showing that he practices at the Dawarka Court and then over night when he creates his blog spot he designates himself as Supreme Court Lawyer, funny isn’t it.

It would not be out of place to remind everybody that AISPA has been formed to protect the interest of all panelists and AISPA is duty bound to protect its constituents i.e. the panelists from such negative groups who have only their personal interest at heart and do not care about the panelist or the company. Such misinformed people will only create problems like explained earlier and they will only make matters more complicated.

Too much space and matter has been wasted over trivia, some issues should be simply ignored, but then for larger good and as a service to the speakasian family it was important to once and for all expose the true face of this group.

Like I said in my video yesterday once the business activity is normalized you will witness corporate history being rewritten. The Speakasia juggernaut is going to be fiercely huge and absolutely unstoppable. Being led by our charismatic leader, our own Babar sher Shri Tarak Bajpaiji, our juggernaut will destroy all our enemies with its massiveness.

Mark my words fellow Speakasians we are going to be part of a revolution and SAOL is going to be the fastest growing corporate in the history of business in India. SAOL will rock and we will rock along with SAOL.

We all Speakasians look up at Mr. Tarak Bajpaiji as our true leader because he has changed the way we conduct ourselves and it is said:

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." --John Quincy Adams

Have Faith, Have Patience, Trust your company,

Jai Speakasia

Proud to be Speakasian

Ashok Bahirwani

Ashok Bahirwani’s Updates: 15th November, 2011 - Hindi
Ashok Bahirwani’s Updates: 15th November, 2011

Good Morning Speakasians,

कल सुप्रीम कोर्ट की सुनवाई के बाद, हमारे निष्ठांवान Speakasian श्री अमन आजाद द्वारा मैंने दो वीडियो अद्यतन (हिंदी और अंग्रेजी) दिए थे जो इस वेबसाइट पर नवीनतम वीडियो अनुभाग में अपलोड किये हैं.

कल हम Speakasians के लिए एक प्रमुख घटनापूर्ण दिन था, कल हमने हमारे पक्ष में स्तिथि को मुड़ते हुए देखा और यह Speakasia की व्यावसायिक गतिविधि और भुगतान के सामान्य होने की शुरुआत है.

माननीय. सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सेवानिवृत्त ३५ वे मुख्य न्यायाधीश, माननीय श्री आर सी लाहोटी की single man (एक व्यक्ति) समिति के गठन की घोषणा की . इस समिति की पहली बैठक २१ नवंबर, २०११ को होगी जब समिति के विवरण, इसकी रूपरेखा और गुंजाइश, और इस तरह के प्रशासनिक विवरण, प्रेस घोषणा आदि के विवरण सहित पर विचार विमर्श किया जाएगा.

इस समिति का गठन सभी Speakasians के पक्ष में एक बड़ा सकारात्मक कदम है.

सभी एजेंसियों की गैर उपस्थिति कंपनी के पक्ष में एक और सकारात्मक है. मेरी व्यक्तिगत राय यह है कि सभी अधिकारी अर्थात् भारत राज्य संघ, वित मंत्रालय के माध्यम से , RBI, EOW, और IT विभाग (CTBT) ने कोई जवाब दायर नहीं किया है या इस मामले में कोई भी दस्तावेज़ पेश नहीं किये, इसलिए नहीं कि वे नहीं करना चाहते , लेकिन मुझे यकीन है कि वे ऐसा करने में असमर्थ हैं क्योंकि SAOL के खिलाफ कोई मामला उनके पास नहीं है. उनके पास कोई दोषारोपण नहीं है जो वे कर सकें और परीक्षण (trial) के दौरांन बनाए रखें.

बेशक इस से थोड़े समय के लिए मामले में विलंभ हो सकता है, लेकिन जैसे अंतिम विश्लेषण में श्री तारक बाजपाईजी कहते हैं, "हम जीतने के लिए बने हैं और हम निश्चित रूप से जीत जायेंगे.".

हम सबने पुरानी कहावत के बारे में सुना है "गाँव नही बसा और लूटेरे पहले ही आ गए". मुझे आश्चर्य हुआ , लोगों के एक दल के चालाकी पे , जो रहस्यमय तरीके से उभरके सामने आया, Speakasians के एक अनुभाग का प्रतिनिधित्व करने का दावा करते हुए. उनके बारे में मजेदार यह था कि कैसे वे अपनी कहानी में असंगत थे और मुझे विडियो समझाने कि अनुमति दें . वैसे यहाँ ध्यान देना उचित है कि हमारे वकील के अनुसार इन अधिवक्ताओं के वीडियो जो aneeshsharma - पर अपलोड किये हैं , अधिवक्ताओं के अधिनियम के सकल उल्लंघन का कार्य है. क्योंकि अधिवक्ता धंदा नहीं मांग सकते जैसे कि अधिवक्ताओं ने इस वीडियो में किया है.

हमें इस सकल उल्लंघन को उचित मंच के सामने लाने की सलाह दी गई है.

इस दल के मानने जाने वाले वरिष्ठ साथी (जितेंद्र मोहन शर्मा) कह रहे है कि वे यहाँ हैं "पहली बार निवेशक" के अधिकारों की रक्षा के लिए, और फिर वह ग़लत दावा करते हैं कि रिट याचिका ३८३ /२०११ ,जिस में इस दल ने कुछ Speakasians की ओर से हस्तक्षेप किया है , एक जनहित याचिका (PIL) है. श्रीमान यह गलत है क्योंकि ये जनहित याचिका नहीं है, एक रिट याचिका है.

फिर दुसरे वकील (अनीश शर्मा) का कहना है कि वे यहाँ हैं, उन Speakasia पैनलइस्ट्स की रक्षा करने के लिए, जो फरवरी २०११ और मई २०११ के बीच में शामिल हुए थे.

फिर, वह अपने व्यापार की योजना का परिचय देते है और हमें बताते हैं कि पैनलइस्ट्स जो इस (गलत दृष्टिकोण वाले) दल के पास जायेंगे
हमारा सुप्रीम कोर्ट या समिति के समक्ष प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए , यह दल खुशी ख़ुशी एक छोटे से शुल्क के लिए हमारा प्रतिनिधित्व करेंगे.और अब किसीने मुझे कहा कि ये दावा राशि (claim amount ) के २५ % और ४० % के बीच है . किसी भी हाल में ये एक छोटा सा शुल्क नहीं है.

इस दूसरे वकील का कहना है कि, १३० करोड़ से अधिक, जो CID ​​हैदराबाद के आदेश के तहत जब्त है जनता का पैसा है. मैं इन श्रीमान से पूछना चाहता हूँ ,कि कैसे वह इस पैसे को , जो फ्रेंचाइजी और कुछ पैनलईस्ट का है ,आम जनता का पैसा है , वर्गीकृत कर सकते हैं? किसी भी तर्क के बिना, सोचे समझे बिना, श्रीमान अंत में शामिल होने वालों को ,आम जनता कहकर ,speakasian परिवार को विभाजित करने की कोशिश कर रहा आम जनता और इतनी आम नहीं जनता में

वे आगे कहते है कि अंत में शामिल होने वालों को जिन्हें कंपनी से कोई राशि वापस नहीं मिली है (refund ) ,उनका पहला अधिकार है जब्त किये जनता के पैसों पर . श्रीमान , यहाँ कोई रिफंड नहीं हैं, पैनलइस्ट्स को कंपनी से प्राप्त आय , कंपनी के विपणन गतिविधियों में भाग लेने से मिलता है और किसी भी हालत में इसे वापसी (refund )कि व्याख्या नहीं दी जा सकती.

वे नहीं समझते कि, अगर अंत में शामिल होने वाले उनके समूह को , पहले भुगतान हो, तो उन्हें अपने मुवक्किल को,(अंत में शामिल होने वालों) सलाह देनी चाहिए , (Exit Option ), बाहर निकलें विकल्प को चुनने की. यदि उनको बाहर निकलें विकल्प को लेने की इच्छा नहीं है तो उन्हें कंपनी के मौजूदा नियमों के अनुसार भुगतान किया जाएगा.

इस तिकड़ी के तीसरे महाशय (अजीत शर्मा) ने सहजता से मान लिया है कि बहु प्रतिनिधि समिति का गठन किया जाएगा और कई और अधिक प्रतिनिधि होंगे इत्यादि. क्यों और कैसे वे इस निष्कर्ष पे पहुंचे कोई नहीं जानता, निश्चित ही, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने इस तरह का आदेश नहीं दिया है . मुझे यकीन है कि न्यायमूर्ति माननीय लाहोटी ने उनके साथ अपने विचार बांटे नहीं है, यह और कुछ नहीं, बिना सोचे समझे जल्दबाजी में कुछ कहने का उपयुक्त उदहारण है.

सुप्रीम कोर्ट का आदेश बहुत स्पष्ट है. न्यायमूर्ति श्री आर.सी. लाहोटी से अनुरोध किया है विभिन्न दलों के बीच एक मैत्रीपूर्ण समाधान की संभावना खोजने का और मध्यस्थता कार्यवाही के बाद निकाले निष्कर्ष का रिपोर्ट इस कोर्ट को पेश करने का इस समिति पर किसी भी अतिरिक्त प्रतिनिधियों के लिए कोई गुंजाइश नहीं है, यह एक मध्यस्थ की नियुक्ति है और इस मामले के गुण दोष को मध्यस्थ नहीं देखेगा . मध्यस्थ केवल पैनलइस्ट्स , SAOL और सरकार यानी विभिन्न एजेंसी
के बीच एक सौहार्दपूर्ण समाधान की संभावनाओं को देखेगा .. यह बात सभी Speakasians के लिए होगी, न कि केवल उन ११५ पैनलइस्ट्स के लिए जिन्होंने मूल रिट दायर की है

सभी पनेलिस्ट्स को इस मामले में व्यक्तिगत रूप से पक्षकार बनने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है, यह मामला नहीं है कि मध्यस्थ (माननीय . न्यायमूर्ति श्री आर.सी. लाहोटी जी) या सुप्रीम कोर्ट व्यक्तिगत रूप से एक एक करके भुगतान को संभालेंगे. . अंतिम विश्लेषण में सभी भुगतान पहले जैसे प्रभावित किया जाएगा, सीधे सभी पैनलइस्ट्स के खातों में

यह हैराण, गलत सूचित,भ्रमित , अति उत्साही अधिवक्ताओं का पंचमेल समूह ,अपने उत्साह में भूल गया कि वे स्वाभिमानी, सशक्त उपभोक्ताओं के एक परिवार का सामना कर रहे हैं ना कि भोले भllllllले नासमझों का . भुगतान SAOL से हमारे खातोंमें सीधे एलेक्ट्रोनिकली किया जाएगा जैसे पहले किया जाता था , तो हमें व्यक्यिगत या स्वतंत्र रूप से समिति या सुप्रीम कोर्ट के पास जाने कि क्या जरूरत है किसी भी भुगतान के निपटान के लिए ?
हम सभी जानते हैं कि United Speakasia नामक एक समूह कुछ समय पहले सामने आया और Speakasians को अपनी सविस्तार जानकारी देने को कहा. लेकिन उनके United Speakasia ब्लॉग या उनके संचार से स्पष्ट नहीं है कि उनके इस पहल के पीछे कौन व्यक्ति है. एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट में वे दावा करते है कि उनके योजना बनाने वाले व्यक्ति (mastermind) जिसे वे "हमारे सर"कहते हैं "United Speak Asia Group Mind " कई बातें जानते हैं जो हम गरीब बुद्धिहीन ८०% Speakasians नहीं जानते. हम इन दिखावटी तौर पे नैतिक सर से पूछते हैं "Group Mind ", क्या जानता हैं जो हम नहीं जानते. कृपया आप हमें समझाइये और बताइए , आप क्या जानते हैं जो हम नहीं जानते

इस नए वकील (अनीश शर्मा) का एक बिलकुल नए facebook profile के साथ प्रकट होना और एक बिलकुल नया Blogspot एक अच्छी तरह से सोची समझी चाल लगती है. कोई बड़ा शिकार फांसने के लिए कोई तो मैदान में उतरा है, मोटी रक्कम बनाने के लिए . कोई भी महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति से दिक्कत नहीं होती है, हमें चिंता होती है किसी की कूटनीति से, दूसरों की कीमत पर पैसा बनाने का , और Speakasians के बीच भ्रम की स्थिति बनाने का .

इस वकील ने अपना facebook प्रोफ़ाइल बनाते वक़्त तस्वीर दिखाई कि वे द्वारका न्यायालय में वकालत करते हैं और रातों रात जब उन्होंने अपना blogspot बनाया वह खुद को सुप्रीम कोर्ट के वकील के रूप में दिखाते है, अजीब है ना.

यहाँ अनुचित नहीं होगा सबको बताने का कि AISPA सभी पैनलइस्ट्स के हित की रक्षा करने के लिए गठित किया गया है और AISPA कर्त्तव्यबद्द है इसके पनेलिस्ट घटक क़ी रक्षा के लिए, यानी की ऐसे नकारात्मक समूह, जो दिल में केवल अपने व्यक्तिगत मुनाफे में रूचि रखते हैं और जिन्हें परवाह नहीं है पैनलईस्ट या कंपनी में. . इस तरह के गलत जानकार लोग सिर्फ समस्या निर्माण करेंगे जैसे क़ी पहले बताया गया और केवल मामलों को और अधिक जटिल बना देंगे.

बहुत जगह और सामग्री मामूली बातों पर व्यर्थ किया है, बस कुछ मुद्दों को नजरअंदाज कर देना चाहिए, लेकिन फिर speakasian परिवार के अच्छे के लिए और एक सेवा के रूप में यह महत्वपूर्ण था कि सदा के लिए इस समूह का असली चेहरा बेनकाब किया जाए.

जैसेकि मैंने कल मेरे वीडियो में कहा कि एक बार व्यापार की गतिविधि सामान्यीकृत होते ही , आप गवाह होंगे कॉर्पोरेट इतिहास के फिर से लिखे जाने का . Speakasia का विशाल रथ बहुत विशाल और बिल्कुल रोके न रुकने वाला है . हमारे करिश्माई नेता, हमारे अपने बब्बर शेर, श्री तारक बाजपाई जी के नेतृत्व में हमारा विशाल रथ अपनी विशालता के साथ हमारे सभी दुश्मनों को नष्ट कर देगा.

मेरे शब्दों पर ध्यान दें, साथी Speakasians , हम एक क्रांति का हिस्सा होने जा रहे हैं और SAOL भारत में व्यापार के इतिहास में सबसे तेजी से बढ़ रहे कॉर्पोरेट होने जा रहा है. SAOL धूम मचा देगा और हम SAOL के साथ धूम मचाएँगे.
हम सभी Speakasians श्री तारक बाजपाई जी को हमारे सच्चे के रूप में देखते हैं , क्योंकि उन्होंने हमारे आचरण को बदल दिया है और यह कहा जाता है:

"यदि आपके कार्य, दूसरों को प्रेरित करें और अधिक सपने देखने के लिए , और अधिक जानने के लिए, अधिक करने के लिए और अधिक होने के लिए , तो आप एक नेता हैं.".......... जॉन क्वीन्सी एडम्स.

विश्वास रखिये , धैर्य रखिये, अपनी कंपनी पर भरोसा रखिये.,

जय Speakasia

Speakasian होने पर गर्व

अशोक बहिरवानी



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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Supreme Court 14 November Judgment - 15 November 2011

Supreme Court 14 November Judgment
We ( ) want to announce that 14 November 2011 Judgment copy is now live on supreme court website.
Supreme Court 14 November Judgment Copy
 We ( ) after reading this judgment copy we don't find that supreme court have said any thing about restart of speak asia company.

On 12th September 2011 when this news was published Navbharat Times Mumbai Edition it has only said that  :
Speak asia panelists have suffered reached to the court. Their lawyer mr rajeev ranjan raj has said in his PIL that the reward points which was earned by the speak asia panelists and the subscription money must be revert back to these panelists.
On this issue please make a committee and we also wants to appeal in court that the speakasia company freeze accounts which amount is Rs.150 crores that money must be given back to panelists.

Speak Asia PIL 12 September Speak Asia News
Questions Regarding 14 November, 2011 : AISPA (HINDI) Video1. Ashok Sir Says  : Some Lawyers have started their shop regarding this Delhi PIL.

 But Ashok Sir sorry to say my point i have read it and its in clear Hindi. They have said "If some body wants their money they must have to become a party in this case and the persons who will come they must have to prove by showing the acknowledgement e-mail of the company after that proof only peoples can take their money from Supreme Court or from the committee made. This thing can be done from their own side or panelist’s can imp lead their name by any lawyer which was already working on this case .
They don't said the person must have to come with them then only they will get the money. The persons can also go to Rajeev Ranjan Raj or any lawyer in this case. Their are many Lawyers in this case.
If Aneesh Sharma Have Said "Not by our help you can get these payments " then they come Under Category of Fraud .

2. Ashok Sir Says : Their was lawyers on the record which are been appointed by panelist is Rajeev Ranjan Raj in case of Delhi PIL but ashok sir then who is I.A.No - 2 and I.A.No - 3 and where these lawyers comes and what are they doing in this case ? Who appointed them in this case ?

We ( ) know some time we questions against company and some time also favors in speak asia but what can we do question comes in our mind and we ask from our and also our reader side also. If our Questions Hurts to any body feelings then we are sorry on our apart but publishing news not only means to publish which any body says . We always thinks that in all this speak asia case if in starting some measures was been taken then speak asians will not have to take a long time of 6 Months.
Biggest Problem in the Speak Asia Case was the media who brake the news  as saying " Speak Asia Fraud " and the peoples always remember the first impression .

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Monday, 14 November 2011

Good News For Speak Asians - 15 November 2011

Happy Birthday
We ( ) wants to say happy birthday to SOLOMON JEMES
and more over i want to congrates for working on right track for speak asia pannelists .
Shani Dev
We ( ) want 1 thing to remember to all speak asia pannelists which was the prediction given by Dau Dayal Sharma Ji from mathura . May be speakasians rember that a long before aispa peoples goes to mathura.
Dau Dayal Sharma Ji says to AISPA "Company Good Days are comming after 15 November 2011"
 हम मथुरा के एक प्रतिष्ठित पंडित श्री दाऊ दयाल शर्मा जी से मिले उन्होंने हमें कंपनी की मोजुदा परिस्थिति के बारे में बताया उन्होंने कहा कि कंपनी की राशी कुम्भ है और कुम्भ राशी के ऊपर शनि चल रहा है और वो 15 नवम्बर तक रहेगा
Speak Asia is Having Aquarius Sign according to Astrology and after 15th November 2011 as Star Sign Changes it Will Come to Libra.
Updates From

Below is Simple Assumption and not a final decision so 
please understand Intelligently and 
Using Your
brains don't Panic :)
1. First Top Priority will be to take the access of Website from EOW Mumbai without which payment process is like next to impossible.
2. Once The website access is provided then Payments will be started.
( Yes, Correct this access will be given to commite and commite peoples will give payouts who will come with their documents to commite .. Other Wise Many anti speakasians will go to claim this money. )

3. Top Priority Will be Given To Those who wish to exit (Mainly Those who have not earned anything till now)
( Yes, When commite starts it will see all the applications or the papers between them who are not paid they have paid first.)

4. Second Priority to those Who have Earned but till today have not placed any Cash Request.
5. Third and Last Priority to those who have their Outstanding Amount in their wallets which have not been cashed out till today.
( Yes, this is also correct )

*All Payments will be done in Online Mode as they were been paid earlier as offline payment processing
is next to impossible and is quite time consuming process.
( Yes this is also correct as commite can not give cash to any one after checking every thing . Money will be given in this case )

Friends / Readers today i am seeing really good proccess in case of speak asia after 6 Months we all must be thankful to all the fighters specially AISPA and Solomon James From Noida who are fighting in this case.We Just have to see when the commite will be formulated .I am Sure their was hearing in court on 16th November regarding AISPA PIL . Lets See what we get from their .

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Sunday, 13 November 2011

Speak Asia Supreme Court News 14 November 2011

Speak Asia Supreme Court News 14 November 2011
 Mail By Mr. Aneesh Sharma At 1:30 PM From E-Mail to us
Hon'ble Court of Justice Dalbeer Bhandari and Justice Deepak Mishra has put this matter for mediation and appointed a Mediator. This matter has been listed in Supreme Court Mediation Center on 21st Nov. 2011

Confirmed Source :


 Last Update Comes at 1:00 PM By Aneesh Sharma .
Case will be in Mediation Center
We are soon launching a video.
We will update All Soon.

Just Before we  ( ) get the message their was new hearing in court on 21 November 2011 . We ( ) also getting many unconfirmed sources . We are waiting for some one who will update everything in a common person language.

 Please Wait  Until Some Body from court come and explain everything .
We ( ) have seen mixed reaction on 13 November 2011 about the today supreme court news some peoples are saying today also speak asia will get a new date on other hand some were excited Lets See . Please Don't Listen to Rumors until get cleared about the source of news.

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